When my beloved Harry died so
suddenly, life did not make much
sense to me anymore.
Though a very strong energy kept
me alive, my soul was deeply
affected. At the same time
courage overtook me to honor the
memory of the one I love. Harry
is always in my heart, a source
of love, confidence, inspiration
and creativity.
We were deeply united in eternal
love, the love which transforms
one forever.
To live this experience is a
great blessing. One issue came to
my mind. I must act to make his
artwork known, that the legacy of
who he was doesn't disappear upon
my own death.
To me and to our dear son
Patrick, Harry left a legacy of
art and humanity which is of a
rare spiritual complexity.
I have been his companion in
daily life, in his creation,
friendship, love and matrimony
for over 20 years.
As artists, we constantly
discussed our respective works.
Therefore it seems so natural
today to continue to do so. I
consult him privately prior to
each decision.
I take responsibility for the
information found on this website
which is the first creation
dedicated to his memory. The
content is based on texts of our
programs, articles written by
Harry, my mementos; I also
discuss my own projects.
I express my deepest gratitude to
Guy Cuvelier, the webmaster who,
all the way through the process
of construction of this site, has
been listening to my concerns
using all his artistic and human
sensitivity to translate my
intentions in IT language.
My warmest thanks to my friends
for their translations:
Jacqueline Adam, Bianca and
Patrick Birkholz for the
website and Fiona
Bagnall, Geneviève Picavet
and Chaim Shapiro for the
Marie-Thérèse Kastl
and Geneviève Mies also
Since January 2012, Cathelyne De
Raedt and my-self have
photographed the artwork created
by Harry. Some of those
photographs appear in the
I plan to edit art books
and a biography
in the near future.
My dream is to produce a film
about Harry through images of
himself and a testimony of those
who knew him, and his various
artistic expressions
My wish is to continue to
organize exhibitions of "Marianne
and Harry" in Belgium and
hopefully to organize an
exhibition for Harry in NYC as he
dreamed to do himself.
My heart is filled with the warm
support and friendship received
from our friends. Thanks to
Written on 7 September 2012 in
Brussels by Marianne Birkholz
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